Saturday, August 29, 2009

New 3D Techniques Catch Fish

The challenge in fishing can be summarized in one short statement. “To present a lure or bait to the fish in a way that triggers a strike.”

It doesn’t matter what size or species of fish you fish for or type of rod and reel you use to fish. Until the BulletBobber came along in 2006 there were only 3 basic fishing techniques available for shore fisherman.

1. Stationary bait on the bottom.
2. Suspended bait using a fishing float (fixed depth or slip rigged).
3. Cast and retrieve.

You really don’t have to try too hard to visualize how limiting these options are in a 3 dimensional world. Look at the shore fisherperson from 100 foot above casting and retrieving and you’ll see the line go out and come back on the same path (unless pushed by the current towards the bank). Look sideways at the cross section of a “cast and retrieve” and you’ll see that controlling the retrieval speed is required to control the depth. Lipped lures go deeper when you reel faster where all others rise up but they all stay on the straight path as seen from above. The BulletBobber is the only device that can get off the path and reverse direction. The BulletBobber is the only device that extends the distance your lure travels beyond the distance you cast and can travel up to 10 times further then the cast.

In 2006 BulletBobber Enterprises was formed and created This invention has opened up fishing laterally to make fishing much more 3 dimensional and much more fun. The BulletBobber is a fishing float that glides left or right when you reel or if there is a current and it flips direction with the flick of the wrist. It totally eliminates the need to recast if there is some current or allows you to hold position if there is some current. If there is no current you can reel to make it go left or right with on-demand direction control. The BulletBobber has 4 flutes (2 wings and 2 keels). It has an eccentric or angled hole that runs thru the wings. You thread your fishing line thru the hole and put in a little plastic wedge pin to secure the line and lure to the depth you want. Or you can slip rig it for full 3 Dimensional controls all from a single line.

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1 comment:

  1. These Bullet Bobbers are terrific. They work just as described, and cover more water then any other fishing device, lure, or live bait I've ever used, with the exception of live lining.
    Anyone who doesn't have a few of these is missing out on a lot of good fishing and a lot of fun. Steering them all over the place is almost as much fun as cathing fish. No kidding either.
    I especially love to get them out in a current and let them "work" a bait or lure on their own, or flick my rod to make them travel sideways, first in one direction, then in another.
    I can't believe people aren't talking about this, because it has to be the hottest thing since the Bajo Minnow.
    I'll never be without them, and I now own 5 of each size plus 3 Dualfins, which do the same thing the Bullet Bobber's do, but are too light to cast. These you troll, and not just from a boat. I "troll" walking a fishing pier back and forth! They are simply great.
